11  Base Object

11.1 Purpose

Provides a common interface for results regardless of what analysis is run.

11.1.1 Variables

  • analysisTitle - (string) Description of the analysis stored in the object, used for headers and titles in reports and displays

  • exportName - (string) Name used when generating file download names, no spaces or punctuation should be used

  • descriptionText - (string) Markdown text to be displayed in outputs prior to the output tables and figures

  • tableTitle- (list<string>) Title text to be used on object tables, each item in list corresponds to one table output in printTables

  • groupByVars - (string) Comma-separated string of variable name to use as grouping variables within the tables

  • surveys - (dataframe) Dataframe containing survey-level data

  • samples - (dataframe) Dataframe containing samples

  • results - (list<dataframes>) List of dataframes containing results of analysis

  • plots - (list<ggplot objects>) List of ggPlot objects created from analysis

  • errors - (list<string>) Error messages created during analysis

  • warnings- (list<string>) Warning messages created during analysis

  • groupHeaderBackgroundColor - (string) Color to be used in background of group header within table, groups are determined by the groupByVars variable, used in HTML outputs only

  • groupSummaryBackgroundColor - (string) Color to be used in the summary row of each group within table, groups are determined by the groupByVars variable, used in HTML outputs only

  • gtTheme - (string) Name of gt tables theme from the gtExtras package, used in HTML outputs only

11.1.2 Methods

  • print - method used by R to print the results variable

  • exportJson - method used to create and save Json file of results, no default implementation

  • exportCsv - method used to create and save Csv file of results, no default implementation

  • createTable - generic table to create both Latex and Html tables for object

  • createTableLatex - creates table formatted for Latex, default implementation simply calls and returns createTable

  • createTableHtml - creates table formatted for Html, default implementation simply calls and returns createTable

  • printTablesLatex - called to output all tables in a LaTex format, this does not include any formatting or table specific code which is included in the createTable? functions, but instead iterates through multiple table outputs

  • printTablesHtml - called to output all tables in a Html format, this does not include any formatting or table specific code which is included in the createTable? functions, but instead iterates through multiple table outputs

  • printTablesAuto - tests the incoming call for a LaTex environment and calls either printTablesLatex or printTablesHtml as appropiate, used for markdown reports that can be user-generated in mulitple formats

  • iterateSurvey - a generic function that crawls through two loops, one for survey groups, one for specific tables (one analysis may output mulitiple tables) and is called by the printTable functions

  • printPlots - called to output ggplot outputs stored as part of analysis

11.2 Overriding Base Object

The fc_base object can be extended and customized to produce objects for specific analysis. See details in “Creating Analyis Chapter”.