14  Helpers

There are a number of helper functions available in the FinCatch Analysis package.

14.1 Dplyr Verbs

14.1.1 AddStockCategory

This function works as a dplyr verb and adds a column containing a factor of stock-length categories from Gabelhouse’s 5-cell model. The function takes the name of the column containing the species code, the column containing the fish length (in mm), and a reference to the data object for the analysis (needed to retrieve species code and stock length values). The function defaults to full group names as factor labels; use abbrieviations=TRUE to use category abbrieviations instead.


some_data %>%
  AddStockCategory(sppCode, fishLen, someDataObject, useAbbreviations = TRUE) 

14.1.2 AddWrParameters

This dplyr verb has yet to be implented

14.1.3 AddAgeIntercept

This dplyr verb has yet to be implemented

14.2 Functions

14.2.1 weighted.se.mean

This function calculates standard error around a weighted mean. The function assumes a weighted mean calculated by the “weighted.mean()” function in the stats package of R and accepts the same arguements.


                     xWeights=c(0.2, 0.2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
some_data %>%
  mutate(myWeightedMean=weighted.mean(xValue, xWeights, na.rm=TRUE),
         myWeightedMeanSE=weighted.se.mean(xValue, xWeights, na.rm=TRUE))

14.2.2 fca_getAnalysisFunctions

This function returns a list and description of the analysis functions available in the FinCatchAnalysis package.



14.3 Labelers

14.3.1 fc_labeler_Survey

This function creates a label for each survey to be used in outputs such as reports and plots. The arguments are a vector of surveyUid values and a reference to the analysis data object. The label returned is structured like:

Title1 (WB=5110 | Method=21 | Year=2022 | Season=Spring)


some_data %>%
  mutate(surveyLabel=fc_labeler_Survey(surveyUid, aDataObject))

14.3.2 fc_labeler_fishSample

This function creates a label for each fish sample to be used in outputs such as reports and plots. The arguments are a vector of surveyUid values and a dataframe of fish samples in the analysis taken from the data object. The label returned is structured like:

WB=2832 | Method=45 | 2022-03-11 | Station=627


some_data %>%
  mutate(sampleLabel=fc_labeler_fishSample(surveyUid, aDataObject$get_data_samplesFish))

14.3.3 fc_labeler_wqSample

This function creates a label for each fish sample to be used in outputs such as reports and plots. The arguments are a vector of surveyUid values and a dataframe of fish samples in the analysis taken from the data object. The label returned is structured like:

WB=2832 | 2022-03-11 | Station=627


some_data %>%
  mutate(sampleLabel=fc_labeler_wqSample(surveyUid, aDataObject$get_data_samplesWq))

14.3.4 fc_matchCodes


14.3.5 fc_createCodeLabel


14.3.6 fc_createCodeLabelReversed
